Sunday, April 02, 2006

Thawing out

Old man winter has had his last hurrah. We enjoyed our few snow days, and the kids wore out their sleds and snow boots. Only one week later most of the snow was gone (just compare the above photo to the one from the post below--the grass is LOVIN' that big drink!!) and thanks to some fabulous 50-60 degree weather we were officially back into spring (complete with our first tornado warning). One thing Nebraska is known for is the crazy weather. They always say, if you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes, and it will probably change. The past few days we have bounced from a perfect spring, sunny day, to hurricane like winds to crazy hail and rainstorms. I LOVE the spring rain. Even if it does wake me up at night I love to hear it tapping against the windows and listening to the thunder and watching the lightning reflect off the windows. When I was growing up we had a large "picture" window in my living room. We didn't have any homes behind ours for quite a while so we had a great view. On those thunderstorm nights we would turn off all the lights and climb up on the back of the couch and smoosh our faces against the windows to watch the "show." We especially loved the loud thunder that made you jump a little bit as it seemed to shake the whole house.
Nebraska is also known for it's flatlands so that makes for unbelieveable lightning. You can see it stretch all the way across the sky and down to the ground. It's one thing that makes me still feel like a kid. I feel like I'm still back on that couch with my head resting on my hands watching the "show" as we OOH and AAH.


Anonymous said...

Now what exactly is the relationship between "Old Man Winter" & "Mother Nature"? Are they related? Husband-Wife?, Mother-Son?, Father-Daughter? Just friends?

wendysue said...

Actually I think they both prefer the younger type so Mother Nature dates Jack Frost and Old Man Winter is with Suzy Snowflake.

Deb said...

I love storm watching too!!! We had our first big thunderstorm out in Waverly on Saturday and it was so relaxing just hearing the rain fall with some big booms in between.

Cute picture of the house too.... how is all the painting going?

Lisa said...

thank goodness you've got your roof back on. . .

I miss those Nebraska storms so much. My kids would get such a kick out of them.

wendysue said...

Oh Judy! We'd have issues bigger than a soaked house if the roof was still off!!! We are almost done, look for new pics soon!

Christy said...

Where did the frontal lobe post go? Hmmm. I hadn't finished reading it yet. I'm a sucker for science content.

wendysue said...

Hi Christy, it's coming back, I decided I needed to tweek part of it, b/c I was a little too "free" in talking about an experience with a YW's mom, I was a little worried that she may read it someday, but I'll let you in on the James Bond info sometime. . .I forget that this blogging stuff is open to anyone and not just my crazy mind. . .