Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Just wanted to share some of our photos from James’ homecoming yesterday.  They were blessed to have a private jet that flew them from San Diego.  James said he was prepared to be in pain the whole time, but said the plane was so comfortable with very little turbulence.  They flew in style, making it from San Diego to Lincoln in only 2 hours and 15 minutes.  It’ll be hard to take a commercial flight after that one!


Behind Jeff (James’ Dad) Tyley was snatching up Vincent from her sister.  As soon as those doors were open, she needed those babes!IMG_6573

Coming out to grab AliyahIMG_6576

Nothing like that Mommy love!


A few of the signs the kids had madeIMG_6580

Just some of the crew that came out to welcome James, Tyley and Sue back.


More Mommy love!  (Matt’s Mom is in the brown jacket)IMG_6584

Getting a good look at Vincent!IMG_6585

Lots of kisses for the babe!IMG_6587IMG_6588

I love these photos of Tyley looking at Vincent!IMG_6590Hugs from Dad!IMG_6592

There’s James!  We all broke out clapping and cheering!  He just said, “well, hey everybody!”IMG_6594IMG_6595Grandma Sue and Grandma Mary lovin’ on VincentIMG_6596Jordan wanted this documented. . .you know when Jade got something in her eyes that made them water. . .IMG_6597IMG_6598IMG_6599IMG_6600IMG_6601IMG_6602IMG_6603IMG_6604IMG_6606

More hugs and love from everyone that came out to see James, then Aliyah climbed in next to him for some snuggles!IMG_6607IMG_6608IMG_6610

Love these photos of James and Aliyah.  One of the Marines said that in when he was trapped in the car he just kept rubbing his fingers over the bracelet that Aliyah had given him.  IMG_6611IMG_6612These photos are from once they got set up at Madonna Rehab here in town.  They gave them these little tags to put on anything that belonged to James.  It was completely appropriate to put one on Vincent! (You can see the bracelet Aliyah gave him in the picture below.)IMG_6613

James impressed all of us with how well he could move that left arm  and lifted Vincent right up! (that’s the one that was so badly damaged in the accident), he also showed us his “NY City Rockette” kicks with his right leg!


So happy to see them all together again!IMG_6615


Julie Ramsay said...

So awesome! We wish him a very speedy recovery!

luvmorgansky said...

I tearful reunion! Thanks for sharing a story of faith, hope and family!

The CEO said...

Amazing pictures. I'm so glad they will be together for Christmas!!! Sending our love...Shanna and Brent

QueenScarlett said...

Miraculous. Absolutely miraculous.