Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Dear Matt,
Do you recognize these people?
They look vaguely familiar. . . .
Love, your wife of TWELVE years!!!


Lisa said...

I remember those crazy kids!!! And thanks for throwing me that bouquet. . . six months later I was married to that boy I really liked. . . hmm. . . 12 years soon. . .

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS! You guys don't look any different - still young and spry. ps. loved your letter.

Carina said...

Yay! I think "Holy Cow, twelve years!" and then I remember it's going to be ten for us this year. What were thinking? Young and stupid ;)

wendysue said...

Azu--I say that ALL the time! Way too young, way too stupid to know better. . .I look at some of the 20 year olds from our ward and think. . .NO WAY was I that young! I was way more mature right? right?