Wednesday, August 31, 2005

These boots were made for walkin'

I know this is an old picture you've probably seen before but I believe now is the time to bring it out again.
I was driving home from work this morning and the corner gas station was changing the prices.
I had to rub my eyes and make sure I was seeing it right. . .

I do still live in Nebraska right???

I guess I'll get out my walkin' boots.


Christy said...

I made a special trip last night out to the pumps and I spent $2.75 a gallon. Never in a million years would I have thought that was a bargain! Aargh.

kemchay: my new favorite expletive. Kemchay! That gas is expensive!

Lisa said...

The second grade teachers have decided they can't afford field trips this year because of the gas prices. Isn't that sad? Poor Miles, he lives for that stuff!

La Yen said...

I put $20 in my car the other day and drove away with 7 gallons. If I get polio I am not driving to the Army hospital because it is 20 minutes away. I will suffer through it and learn to say "bully" like Teddy.

"ivktefnx worked for me!"

wendysue said...

One of my patients this morning hadn't been in for 5 years. He said he was saving his money to pay for the gas to get there. Nice try, plaque mouth.

hqxql: "hqxql, the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, how did I end up on my kitchen floor medicine."

Bek said...


I am in Chicagoe right now and it is 3.49!!!! I don't even want the think about what it is in Ca...

We are almost neighbors now....I am gonna be here for a few weeks...

~j. said...

I filled up my van exactly a week ago at $2.55, and now it's $2.89. I feel sick.

Chad said...

Checked out your blog after you commented on my brothers (Cap in Hand and Are We Not Men?) I just have to say, AMEN! I'm sure this is a sentiment shared by many. I was just commenting to a friend the other day that I thought I'd never see the day when gas was more expensive than milk. I live in Houston were we're supposed to be cheaper than most places. It's madness, I tell you, madness.

wendysue said...

My Dad's new business is an ethanol investing group that is raising money to build and run ethanol plants. Oh boy, has business been picking up this summer. He was in London and Zurich and had about 40 meetings in just a few days!! Hurry up with that ethanol Dad!!!

Lisa--no field trips? Sad. They just make all the parents drive here.

Chad--welcome, welcome! I agree. .. MADNESS!! Speaking of madness, how is it in Houston, helping to take care of all the refugees? I'll take my "problems" compared to theirs.

Jen E.--I wonder if we could get Mr. Underhill's credit card number to pay for our gas??

~j. said...

"We're going to eat gas."

Otto said...

I started filling up with milk, because it was cheaper than gas. I did notice a slight decrease in performance, though. What can you do, drastic times call for drastic measures.

jessica said...

I'm in WI, and a few days ago it jumpped $.30, over night! It was up to $3.30. Ahhh. Now its down to $3.04... if you can call that down. I wonder... with all the walking we'll be doing, we might loose some weight?! that'd be nice:-)I love the picture too.

Sister Pottymouth said...

That is such a great picture. The first time I saw it, the gas prices were high but nothing like they are now. When I look at the picture these days, it hits too close to home.

And speaking of pictures, you've got some darling girls. I've got three boys myself. Someday, when our kids are more grown up, we'll have to introduce them. We could have a modern day version of "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" (ha ha)--except that I'm not going to have seven kids. There are days when I think three is more than enough. Thanks for your comments on my blog.

wendysue said...

Otto--maybe we can hook up with those celebrities that drive the cars with the used fry oil from restaurants?? MMM. We'd be smellin' good too! (much better than burnt milk)

Jessica--I filled up my van yesterday for $3.10, I thought I was getting a bargain! Today it dropped to $3.00. Ugh. Oh, well. And about the walking, nah, I still just drive my car, isn't that terrible??? Isn't that crazy that we're thinking, "Wow, I can't wait 'til it drops below $3, fill'er up!!"

Julie--yippee! I got your comment! I'm all about arranged marriages (my husband is half chinese you know. . .) Anything to keep the boys away during those terrible teenage years!! Three is more than enough for me too--so do we have a deal??

Sister Pottymouth said...

Sure... that deal works for me. I'll have to figure out how to put that flickr thing on my blog so you can see pics of my boys. I'm still exploring the website at this point to figure out how it all works. Oh--thanks for the tip on leaving comments on your blog. It's working beautifully (obviously).

Lorien said...

Love the pic. My answer to the gas fiasco? Have no life and go nowhere.

Anonymous said...

Your site is absolutely delightful...I really enjoyed the catapillar saga! It gave me the idea of trying that for my grandson. Keep up the great job!
Smiles, Tricia