Thursday, August 27, 2009

Did you hear that?

Did you hear that noise?  I think it was jingle-bells. 

When the weather cools off a little I always start thinking of the Holidays.  I blame (praise?) my mother, Queen of shopping ahead of time.  In fact, I already have her gifts to my children for Christmas (wrapped, with bows, with a card) upstairs in  my storage closet.  I have a handful of things already, but I’m in the mode of finding things they will really love, not just play with for a bit, then toss into the never-ending pit that is “the playroom”.  Here’s a couple of things I’ve bookmarked from blogs that I’ve seen that I love.  I need to get in gear to make these. . . idea  

How much do you love this?  Finding the things that Simon loves, pictured with the cute block letters?  Love this idea Liz!!

name pillowidea

Really cute/designed name pillows for your kiddos to claim their turf (well, at least where they lay their sweet heads.)  I know that Design Mom posted about these as well, but I can’t find the original post.  Here’s a picture from a recent post where you can get a glimpse of Oscar’s pillow.  These would be super cute to make ahead for your kids bestest buds birthday gifts too!


Well?  Get to work!  Just hear those sleigh-bells jing-a-ling. . .


Julie Ramsay said...

super cute ideas!!

Tasha said...

I like those ideas! It's great that you think of more thoughtful gifts because you're on the ball. Buying gifts for a spouse and keeping it a surprise is pretty hard in this house...

Anonymous said...

I don't know if you use pampers, but if you do and save the gifts to grow points you can order books like this with your own photos, professionally done from shutterfly. They don't have it listed currently but should soon, since they change them up often, or you can just look up shutterfly by itself and order that way.

It's a cute idea and great for them to look back on later on.
I did something like this with photos of people and helped my oldest recognize names of family that were far away, then when we did get together they were shocked that he knew who they were and didn't face the stranger anxiety, which is so lovely at holiday time.

Mindy Gledhill said...

Hi Wendysue! Thanks for the fabulous advice you left on my blog!