Wednesday, March 01, 2006

So, a mormon girl walks into a bar. . .

Ok, no, I haven't gone off the deep end. Matt is out of town for a few days but it's not driving me to the corner bar (yet. . .) But I think you and I have missed out on something. It's not the drunken stupor of not knowing what you were doing or why you're standing in some strange place in the middle of the night (parenthood has brought me enough of that). You know what you may have missed out on? Your "bar name". One of the other faculty members at the Dental College was out at some bars for Mardi Gras. Anyway, as part of her story she was telling, she casually said that her friend gave this guy her "bar name, Rachel." I said "what?" She explained, you know the name you'd give if you're not really sure you like this guy or want him to know your actual name. So, let's have a little fun. Here's some bar names I came up with for me. . .


So. . .what's your bar name?


Christy said...

I don't know about my bar name but I have a stripper name! You're supposed to have your first name be the name of your first pet and your last name is the name of the street you grew up on. Mine is:

Peppy Robertson

Carl's? Sammy E

wendysue said...

OOH, Christy, check out my name

Choo-Choo Calvert!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I had a work name in college (remember Lisa?). I was called RJ and we know that if anyone called asking for RJ, they probably wanted me to work for them. I could just tell the roommates that RJ wasn't home.


this is bek by the way..I am in the wrong user name...

wendysue said...

Bek, maybe I could use that for church to avoid giving a talk. . . Dang, too late.

~j. said...

Bar name, I'd use Julia. My stripper name is Kelly Lawson. I guess I could use that, too.

Lisa said...

My stripper name is K.C. Park Avenue, which sounds more transvestitey, don't you think?

And my bar name would be. .. .


wendysue said...

Yes, Lisa, that name would work in many situations, not just and causing havoc at girls camp!! and hey, not necessarily transvestitey maybe just a high class stipper (wait, I think those have to contradict themselves.)

~j. said...

Ladies. PLEASE tell me who Julie Gould is. In my world, she was my archenemy. Not a joke.

Really, who's yours?

wendysue said...

ok J, here's the scoop. We had a fun group of YW growing up and Julie Gould was one of them. We were causing trouble at camp one year (what? us?), I think we were and saran wrapping the 1st years to their tents (and the leaders, I think), and while we were doing it, one of them woke up and as we ran out, Lisa said "My name is Julie Gould!!"

~j. said...

That's awesome. In school, whenever I would give anyone a piece of gum, I'd always say, "If anyone asks, Erin Kidder gave this to you." Then they'd ask Erin for gum and not me. I used her name for a few trouble-making incidents, too.

Carina said...

The stripper name never worked for me:
Paleface 3900 North

Doesn't make a lick of sense.

I'd probably use Amy. I always used to use that name when I'd call a radio station to request something.

wendysue said...

And now, please welcome to the stage for the first time tonight. . .Paleface 3900 North!! Woo HOo!! (p.s. poor pet named paleface. . .)

Deb said...

Well, I kind of had to revise my striper name because I lived on Hitching Post Lane.... so here it goes... please welcome Friskie Lane to the stage.

I know that's cheating, but with a pet name of Friskie it just had to be.

Carina said...

I was a rather dramatic child (go figure) who had probably just finished reading Calico Captive when she received a goldfish whom she promptly named "Paleface."