Saturday, May 27, 2006

Welcome to the suprise restaurant mom!

Ok, "Toot-toot"!! Just tooting my own horn here. It's my birthday. My 32nd (wow, that seems old). The girls set up a "surprise restaurant", complete with candle and everything. For the breakfast menu this morning we have Krispy Kremes and OJ. And just why are we eating in the living room? "So we can watch the wiggles!" Duh.


Lisa said...


~j. said...

Happy Birthday To You!!

Bek said...

Happy Birthday Mamma......

What is better then Krispy Kreme's on your bday?

wendysue said...

Lisa--happy birthday to you too! I was trying to find our 3 year old b-day party picture to post for you. . .but. . .it is in the abyss that is my basement. Maybe for your half birthday?

Thanks ~j.

and Bek--Krispy Kreme's AND the wiggles! Actually I pleaded with them to let me change it to HGTV.

QueenScarlett said...


What wonderful girls... doesn't that just make everything worth it... special. They are beauties.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Happy Birthday! Hope the Krispy Kremes and OJ were delish. (And I hope you got to watch HGTV.)