Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Get on the bus!

Here's the official first day of school pictures. The girls got new backpacks this year and I am so OVER the "wanting to buy a new backpack every year since they are over whatever character thingamagig they desperately needed last year", so we went with a non-highschool musical, barbie, whatever, and found some really cute ones. I hoping these will last at least a few years!!

When we bought our home, we thought, "Oh, that's so nice having the school so close". It's literally two houses, the crosswalk, and you're there. Once we had kids in school we thought, "Holy crap! This is SWEEEEEEEEET." It's a fabulous school, but one thing that's not so fabulous is it's OLD, and it doesn't have air conditioning. I know, it's cruel. But hey, I didn't have air conditioning in any of my schools. (I think the high school had a few areas that were air conditioned). So, the school system has had all of the schools on a rotation of sorts for remodeling. This year is our year. Not only are they putting air conditioning in but remodeling several areas, fixing the parking lot, playground, etc.

So, what this all means is that my kids actually get to ride a school bus out to the temporary school site. They actually were excited to ride the bus. We'll see how excited they are when it's -10 and snowing while they're at the bus stop. Here's how it went the first day.

Here's the bus stop crew. (It's just right down the street)There they go

And here they come


Rachel said...

Totally agree with you on the back pack thing. Buy good quality and no character they will outgrow. i don't understand the buy a new backpack every year thing. Bekah has always wanted to ride the bus to school. It's a novelty when you don't have to I guess!

Audra said...

Holmes is being retrofitted next year- so all three girls will be bussed somewhere! They are way more excited about it than i am. Let me know how this winter goes!

Your daughters are beautiful- you will definitely have your hands full in a few years!!!