Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The New Year off to a dripping start. . .

Ugh. I thought I was D.O.N.E. with water around this house. We put up big bucks to fix this problem. We had Thrasher come and dig a hole around our entire basement and put in drainage tile and a big sump pump, and YES we splurged for the battery back up. (Doesn't it really sound like a know what I'm talking about??)

So, fast forward a couple of months to yesterday, 1/1/08, 6:21 pm. I suppose I should feed the kids, so from my drunken pregnancy nap I manage. . "Matt go down and see if there's anything in the freezer worth eating".

All I hear is "no, Maddie, I can't do that I need to deal with the basement. . .there's water. . ."

WHAT?? Well, seems as though we've managed to protect our house from the outside elements but not from our very own water heater. It had decided to puke all over the basement.

So, we get a new water heater, the fancy, "non-tank, heat the water as it's used, super efficient" kind.

Oh, and did I mention that if we had bought it on 12/31, we could've had a $300 tax deduction, oh, but that's not offered this year. Ugh.


Deb said...

Ugh. You're kidding. Gotta love home ownership sometimes, eh? I think you've more than paid your dues for water in the basement... you should be good for awhile... right?

Audra said...

when it rains it pours...ur... something like that!:)

Lyle said...

The silver lining is your new water heating system. Those should be the only things available on the market. It's like insisting people still use outdoor plumbing.

wendysue said...

I am excited about the new system. . .once it's working that is. We at least have water today, cold water. Matt and his Dad are finishing up venting to the outside tonight so we should be all set.

But I am looking forward to actually filling up my new tub upstairs in one shot and not filling it halfway, then waiting 15 mintues and filling the rest. . .

Sister Pottymouth said...

That's awful! I hope this year stays dry.

Anonymous said...

Argh! So sorry. And what Julie said.