I'm heading out for almost 24 hours away from my home. Some friends and I are attending "Time Out for Women". It's only 45 minutes away, in Omaha, but several gals are going up tonight to eat/shop/"get away", and spend the night at a hotel (a REAL time-out) and go to the program tomorrow. I knew I wanted to go to at least the program tomorrow and that Matt would be fine having Simon and the girls for the day, but I really wanted to go up tonight for that girl time. I love my husband, for lots of reasons, but today I especially love him for being SuperDad.
Ever since we brought home our first little bundle (almost 10 years ago!) Matt has always been willing and able to take over when I needed him to. We have fussy babies, or I just stress out too much, but whatever the case, he's always been willing to say, "just let me take the baby and you go. Do whatever you need to do for yourself." I really love my children, but every mom needs some time away. I think every husband/father needs to be left alone with their newborn for at least an hour or so within that first week of life. It's bonding time right??
We've been lucky that our kids have all taken to the bottle well, so I could pump and leave, to have at least a couple of hours alone, or out with the girls when I needed it. I recieved a complement on Matt's behalf just a month or so ago. I have a new calling in the Stake YW (serving with the "young women" ages 12-18 in our church), so we as a presidency were going out to meet with a small group/branch. That night Matt's aunt said how impressed she was that Matt was there at our regular meetings with all 3 girls, and baby Simon for all 3 hours of our meeting block, and that she knew few men that would do that. I love that Matt allows me to serve without having to worry about traveling with Simon (not fun, but getting better), and dealing with him while I'm trying to help others. He's not always able to take Simon, but if he is, he's always willing.
So, when the question came up a couple of months ago about me going up tonight to eat/play and spend the night and attend the women's conference tomorrow he said, "Sure!". Thanks honey. Not only will he be on his own tonight for "Simon duty" and have all the kids tomorrow, but here's what's on our schedule for tomorrow.
8am: Matt is an early morning seminary teacher and has a meeting tomorrow morning. He's taking the girls (they'll be fine to play in the other room) and having Simon with him.
10am: Molly's soccer game
12:30pm: Madison's soccer game
after that he needs to help Madison get ready for an overnight Halloween camp that she's going to with a few friends.
OH, and just to top off the SuperDad weekend, he got prepurchased tickets to take the girls (Grandma is watching Simon--thank you!!), to go see High School Musical 3 tonight! It's a surprise for them, and they will F.R.E.A.K. out. I told them we wouldn't be able to see it until next week. Thanks babe! I love you bunches and bunches.
So fun! I hope TOFW is just amazing!! And Matt rocks, Adam does the same thing too, just on a smaller scale since my dern kiddos won't take bottles!
Have fun!
He does have a busy weekend and I'm sure he's going to love HSM3! ;)
This has been my plan all along. I am just taking the girls to see HSM3 with me as a cover.
I love you too babe. Plus, you are more valuable to me here than in the pysch ward.
Quick question...did you ever get the chair I sent you and Simon?
YES! I was thinking it was you, but I wasn't sure. He loves it and I love it! Thank you!!
Just checking- the web transaction was really weird...no tracking number or shipment confirmation...so I wasn't sure.
Good deal!!!
I didn't know he was teaching early morning seminary! I wonder if her has my old classroom?! I LOVED doing that... but that was also in the days before kids!
Matt is fantastic!
Hope you had a great weekend!!
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