Friday, October 31, 2008

Even Superheroes. . .

From last night at "Boo at the Zoo". . . .

Sometimes even superheroes need to catch a ride.

Even superheroes have cute sisters posing by pumpkins.

And posing by the tree.

Even superheroes have supercute big sisters dressed up as June from Little Einsteins. Even superheroes need to eat.

Even superheroes have super cool "hip hop" girl big sisters.

Even superheroes need a little nap.


Anonymous said...

Those are some super cute kiddos with super cute costumes. You always have great ideas for your kids. Hope you had a good halloween.


Lyle said...

Your kids were so adorable tonight. Glad y'all could make it.

Hollie said...

So cute!!! Another great Halloween!

Sister Pottymouth said...

Ooooh I love those superhero fingers in that last picture. Baby hands are so yummy.

Awesome costumes, by the way.

Anonymous said...

So great!