Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Where else but blogger?

So, just last night I told the kids we were going to play at a park with a friend of mine that I had never met. They were awfully confused. So I explained. . .see, you know how I write my blogs? Well, sometimes I read other peoples blogs and that's how I met her. Lucky huh? So, we're friends, even though we've never even met. Cool. So, we headed off to the park to play with ~j. and her sis-in-law and the beautiful kiddos. I even wore the shirt so she'd recognize me!?! I was happy that they were willing to let me come and meet them and play even though they were probably exhausted and are in the midst of a crazy road trip. So thank you! I had a lovely time. And ~j. it was a little scary how similar our parenting styles are, especially when it comes to our whiny 7 year olds. "Really, could you please stop talking? You NEED to stop talking. Oh, wait, ask me again if you can have a drink so I can tell you that we don't have any water. . ." Totally my life. I've been telling Madison for the past week, "No, I told you we were out of Ranch dressing and if I had a spare minute I could run to the grocery store, but I don't, so we're out so deal with it!" (2 minutes later--Mom, can you get me some ranch dressing. . .agh.) Hopefully we can get together when I'm out in Utah in the next couple of weeks!!


Sister Pottymouth said...

Isn't ~j awesome? Compulsive, Lo Down, and I met up with her for breakfast a couple of weeks ago. She's delightfully blunt and very real, two qualities I admire highly.

So does this mean you're going to be in the "Happy Valley" area soon?

Lisa said...

I would love to have "everyone" over to my house when you're here, Wendy Sue. How about a brunchy thing with lots of chocolate? (and how bout we give the shirts A REST!)

Thanks for the breakfast invite JULIE. Lo Down, I thought we were friends. . .

Sister Pottymouth said...

Hey...I wasn't in charge of the invite list or I'd surely have included you. Consider yourself invited to breakfast at my house any time. Don't expect anything more than cold cereal, though. I don't cook breakfast.

As fas as the brunchy thing, just tell me when to show up to your house and what to bring and I'll be there with bells on. (Not literally of course--I don't own anything with bells on.)

wendysue said...

Hey Lisa--brunch or you know, ALL DAY brunch sounds awesome! I'll give you a call soon to set up things. . .don't worry, my shirt will behave itself. I can tell how much you love it since Courtney really wants to get you in one!! I'd sleep with one eye open. . .

Lisa said...

Oh, I'm not afraid of you and your shirts! Bring it on!! (I see Courtney as much as I see you. . . ) All Day Brunch--um, yes, please! Julie, bells optional.

elasticwaistbandlady said...

We had a grand soiree with a fellow blogger (Patrick Henry), too about a month ago. Real life social experiment: Is Patrick as intense as he seemes in the blogosphere? Will we have anything to talk about? Will our kids hate each other? What if I say something really stupid, will that affect our online friendship?

None of that happened. We had a great time and knew some of the same people. Church really does make the World seem smaller.

Glad that you had a pleasant visit too.

~j. said...

Thank you, Wendy, for visiting. We had a great time, despite our personal conditions (road trip, no restroom, no water, etc.). I'm glad you could understand my ways with the girls... Please give me a call when you're out my way.

Julie - you're nice. Thanks for the compliments.

Lisa - I think you were probably having a fabulous meal in England on the day we were having breakfast in Provo.

LuckyRedHen said...

I'm ready for chocolate and ~j was I out of town for that breakfast? I better have or you'll get a spankin! (maybe that was your intent?).

Bek said...

Hey, me too!!!

Wendy, between you and Jen, you had most of the beatuful girl children that currently reside in the US all in one place!! I said MOST (b/c I know the rest of you have a beautiful girl child here or there....). She is very fun.

I am kicking around the idea of a trip to OOtah this month, let me know when and where

dalene said...

Shannon, you were recovering from your wild birthday party. Lisa you were in England, I believe. And I totally concur with Julie about ~j.

And as my kids are all well into the ages of "You don't talk to strangers or give out personal information on the Internet" I had some 'splainin to do. Especially when Geo came to visit me at my house and met all my kids.

I hope I didn't lull them into a false sense of security.

But none of us is as crazy as my former neighbor who planned a solo trip to Holland and stayed in Amsterdam--of all places--with someone she met on e-Bay.

wendysue said...

ok gang, I've been away from internet and on having withdrawl issues from blogger! I talked with Lisa and we're trying to put something (brunch or dinner?) together for next week (10-15th of July), I'll let you know!!

LuckyRedHen said...

Let's partay! Thanks for the clarification CW ;o) We shall meet one day and it will be grand. Wendy... thought you'd be at the PF Chang's dinner Saturday but I heard you were elsewhere that night. What a bummer for me so I hope to catch you this time :o)

My explanation for the meeting of strangers is that I only meet those who already know someone I already know in person. It's all a 6-degree-of-separation from azucar anyway :o)

wendysue said...

HI guys! We are planning to get together tomorrow night (Wed.) at California pizza company (Lisa said it's at University Mall) at 6pm. Sorry for the late notice. . .Aspen Grove has been a busy, and great, but busy time. Hope some of you can make it!!! See ya! I SO would have been there at pf changs (mmm. . .great wall of chocolate!), but that was our first night at camp and I hadn't had a chance to check emails or blogger yet. . .I feel so out of the loop!! Anywho. . .see you!!

LuckyRedHen said...

Yay! We saw!

P.S. The Great Wall of Chocolate was stale - we got a refund but sucked down the berries on the side and scooped up the raspberry puree' with fortune cookie.